This is a very important question, for personality conflicts between Director and Composer can cause huge problems for completion of deadlines and even the music itself.
I grew up and went to College in England (B.A. in Creative Arts with Music and Drama as my dual majors) and have lived in America for the last 29 years.
I have been a music director of a theatre, have taught high school band and have operated a successful real estate brokerage for 20 years before closing my business. I have been happily married for 30 years and have a son who is a freelance film editor in Los Angeles.
I love all aspects of film - from writing music to directing my own short films. I have also have shared my passion with at risk youths in a juvenile delinquent school where I teach film. Just last year my students won a national competition for a anti-smoking PSA (against over 70 schools).
But most importantly - I UNDERSTAND THAT THERE IS NOTHING MORE IMPORTANT TO YOU THAN YOUR FILM. My role is to help complete your vision.